Exciting new exhibition added to Grand Challenges calendar

Most of you will already know about ‘Grand Challenges’, a UCL initiative that provides our students and staff with opportunities to learn from academics relating to global concepts and ideas surrounding the themes of Global Health; Sustainable Cities; Cultural Understanding; Human Wellbeing; Justice & Equality and Transformative Technology.
Students complete multiple projects across the year and throughout their entire education at the Academy. This year, the scope of work has been broadened to include an exhibition, whereby Year 10 students will be asked to represent their findings through the medium of Art, specifically in the format of a poster.
The focus of the exhibition will be Climate Change, Mental Health and Wellbeing, and Justice and Equality. This marks the debut of an exciting new way in which students can convey their understanding, thoughts and opinions on these important themes.
‘Art’ will not only allow the students to represent their thoughts in a literal manner, but will also provide the perfect opportunity to incorporate symbolic messages by using symbols and imagery that hold a specific meaning or connotation. Literature, religion, politics and personal experiences always play their part in discussions surrounding the ‘Big Themes’ and we have no doubt the work on show at the exhibition will further express the connections our students make with these matters of pressing societal concern.
Please show your support for this wonderful new addition to the ‘Grand Challenges’ academy calendar by visiting the exhibition, where you will meet Year 10 students and hear about their work. Parents, carers, wider family members and friends of The UCL Academy are all most welcome.
The exhibition will take place at the South Cloisters, Wilkins Building, UCL and will be open to visitors on Monday 26th, Tuesday 27th and Thursday 29th February, 10am-12pm. On Wednesday 28th, the exhibition will be open from 12pm-2pm, with the Prize Giving Ceremony by Professor Alan Thompson Pro-Provost (London) taking place from 1pm onwards.
For more information on the event, please contact Sarah Beech at [email protected]