Code of Conduct

Students in the Sixth Form are considered to be ambassadors of the school. The behaviour and attendance of students should exemplify a mature and dedicated approach to their studies.



We have the highest expectations of all students and actively encourage them to build mature and collegial relationships with staff and one another, moreover, to treat one another with consideration and respect. Good behaviour is intrinsic to the success of each and every student, and any behaviour deemed inappropriate will be dealt with by the Head of Sixth Form and in more serious cases the Co-Principal.


Attendance and Punctuality

  • Students should aim for 100% attendance and achieve a minimum of 95%
  • Any absences due to sickness should be reported by parents/carers to the school office on the first day of illness. A parent or carer should ring or email the Sixth Form office ([email protected]) before 9.00am on every day of absence
  • It is the studentā€™s responsibility to see subject teachers on their return to catch up on any missed class notes or homework assignments
  • Please inform the Sixth Form Office prior to any university visits or other academic/personal reasons for absence
  • Dental/medical appointments and driving lessons should ideally take place out of school hours
  • It is important that students arrive on time for all their classes as valuable time can be lost waiting for students to arrive to lessonĀ 



Government legislation regarding holidays does not permit parents/carers to take their child/ren out of school during term time as this can have a negative effect on their education.Ā  Parents/carers wishing to apply for exceptional circumstances need to complete a request for Exceptional Term Time Leave form at least 20 school days prior to the absence and give to your childā€™s Pastoral Manager. The decision made by the Co-Principal is final and will be duly recorded and if this request is not agreed, any absence will be recorded as unauthorised and you may receive a Holiday Penalty Notice (fine) from the Local Authority.


In-school procedures

We endeavour to identify attendance problems at the earliest opportunity in order to prevent further decline. Attendance is monitored by both tutor time and attendance to lessons. The following procedure is in place;

Stage 1:

If a student has a late arrival they will incur a Lates detention. If this is repeated the tutor will contact home to discuss concerns.

Stage 2:

If attendance is below 95% the student will go on to a Tutor Attendance Report to monitor and support improvements. The tutor will inform parents by letter of the report.

Stage 3:

If attendance continues to drop and falls below 90% the student will go on a Director Attendance Report to monitor and support improvements and parents will be asked to come into the Academy for a meeting. Targets will be agreed with all parties and an Attendance Review meeting will be set with the Assistant Principal for the Sixth Form.


Dress Code

As a school we understand the importance of community cohesion and shared values, and so we aim to emulate the high expectations and standards set lower down the school.

At sixth form, there is greater independence around attire. We understand that the modern workplace or place of study, whether it be in an office, a creative industry, an outdoor environment, working from home, at university or as part of an apprenticeship, is diverse and particular to each industry or place of study. We therefore do not require students to wear formal attire, but instead ask that students dress in a smart-casual manner that respects our wider school community.

As role models, students need to dress appropriately for an organisation which accommodates students aged from Foundation (Year 7) to Level 2P (Year 11) who are required to wear school uniform.

Dress should be ā€˜smart casualā€™. You should be comfortable and unconstrained, but bear in mind that you are the public face of UCL Academy amongst the wider community. Generally, a ā€œcommon senseā€ approach should be used.Ā 

ID and Lanyard: Ā Sixth Form students are required to wear their Student ID and Lanyard at all times and this must be visible. If this is lost, students need to pay for a replacement from the Sixth Form Office.Ā 

Formal Occasions: Ā representing the school:Ā  during certain events you may be asked to dress in a particular manner including wearing a blazer.Ā  Ā  This may be for example, in a leadership role for School Open Events or during work experience opportunities, visits to workplaces or for destinations interviews.

As guideline:Ā 

  • Jeans are permitted but no ripped or distressed jeans. Tracksuit bottoms are not permitted at any time
  • Clothing with offensive and/or threatening images and words are not acceptable.Ā 
  • Hats and hoods should not be worn indoors.Ā  Hoodies/Hooded tops are not permitted.
  • Head coverings, where a requirement of the pupilā€™s religion or belief are a part of our dress codeĀ 
  • No over exposed flesh e.g. short skirts/shorts. Midriffs and underwear must be coveredĀ 
  • Studentsā€™ footwear must be safe for the working environment of a school e.g. low heel shoes and trainers. Sliders, flip-flops and backless sandals are not appropriate therefore not permitted. Ā  When working in a Science lab or undertaking fieldwork students will need to have footwear with no open toes.
  • All jewellery should be removed before any sporting activities and practical lessons where a health and safety requirement. Where the wearing of an item is a genuine requirement of the studentā€™s religion or belief it may be taped/secured as an alternative to removal, where this will address safety concerns (as determined by a teacher on a case-by-case basis and acting reasonably).Ā 
  • When participating in sporting activities, students should: – Bring appropriate sportswear including a t-shirt, shorts/tracksuit bottoms and trainers.

On the rare occurrence a student fails to dress appropriately they may be sent home to change or may be isolated from the rest of the student body, whilst persistent offences will be subject to more formal sanctions.