Frequently Asked Questions
Please find below the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions which we are adding to as they are covered in the Parent Bulletin. If you have a question that is not covered, please email us via and we will aim to cover it in an upcoming Bulletin.
Progress Reports: When can I expect a written report from my child’s teachers to come home? How many are received and does this vary by year group?
Progress reports are an important part of the Academy’s reporting process and assessment policy. The reports reflect a students progress in subjects since they started at the Academy and should be a starting point for discussions with your child. Through the end of year reports and parent consultation evenings, you will receive even more personalised feedback. The assessment policy which is available here on the website (please scroll down the page and click on Assessment and then click on the Assessment Policy link) gives more information on the reports that you will receive and the dates of each year group’s Parent Consultation meetings.
How do I get in touch with a particular teacher?
If you would like to get in touch with a particular teacher, or member of Academy staff, please call the Academy on 02074493080 or email and your call or email will be forwarded on to the relevant member of staff. We are aware that some teachers have generously given out their Academy email addresses. However, to help us to monitor queries, etc, please use the ‘enquiries’ email in the first instance.
My child has a personal issue at school or a problem with another student. Who should they talk to, or who should I contact?
Your child’s Form Tutor and Head of House are always available for your child to talk to if they have any issues at school. Students also have access to a service called Open Minded (previously known as CAMHS) which is part of the Academy’s support for both student and staff mental health. The service is available for self-referred drop-in counselling sessions which can be accessed through
What time does my child need to be in for their first lesson—is that 8.30 or is there registration first and lessons later?
We regularly remind students that they should be through the Academy gate by 8.25am and ready to start their first lesson at 8.30am (8.35am and 8.40am on a Monday). Please be aware that after the Half Tem break, this will be an expectation rather than a request. We touch upon this further into the bulletin where we introduce Mr Morrow as the new Director of Behaviour and Student Conduct.
My child is running late for school, will have an appointment or is sick. Can you remind me what to do? What if my child is absent for more than one day—do I still contact the school?
If your child is sick or has an appointment, it is essential that you ring the Academy by 8am. Please call us on 02074493080 and press number 1 to be put through to the student absence line and either speak to the Attendance Officer, Ms Anand, or leave a message. You must ring every morning if your child is absent for more than day so we aware and can provide appropriate support if appropriate. Please note that students will need to provide an appointment card for all appointments. If your child is running late, please ring the Academy as soon as you can to let us know.
I’ve heard my child now has recess (break time) at different times to other students in his/her year who seem to be in different Houses. Why is this?
Different Houses have had different recess times this year to support the management of the canteens and playground spaces. We have reviewed this and will be making some further amendments after Half Term in light of feedback from students and parents. More information will follow after Half Term.
Home Learning
How do I know what home learning my child has been set and when it is due?
All home learning is recorded in your child’s planner, along with the date it is due to be handed in. It is also recorded online and access details are published early in the Autumn Term. A home learning timetable is also published early in the Autumn Term.
How much time should my child be spending on their home learning?
This will vary. In Foundation-Level 1+, your child should be spending around 1 hour on home learning each evening and around 2 hours at the weekend. In addition, your child will have the option of 1 hour of supervised personal study time in school each week. At GCSE and A level, students will spend more time on their home learning, up to 2 hours each evening and 4 hours at the weekend.
Who should I contact if I have concerns about home learning?
The best people to contact are your child’s teacher or the head of the relevant department (please address via
How can I support my child with their home learning?
Provide a quiet space if you can and remove distractions such as phones or video games. Check your child’s planner and help them decide when to complete different pieces of home learning so that they hand them in on time. Test your child on spellings, vocabulary and times tables.
What further guidance will the Academy be providing on home learning?
We will be holding a Home Learning support evening during the Autumn term every year, which will include sessions on how to best support your child with different types of home learning – details to follow on the website. In the Spring term, we will run a similar evening for Level 2+ – Level 3+ parents only, focusing on supporting your child with their exam revision.
The Academy’s Home Learning Policy can be accessed here.
When and how can my child choose sports teams they’d like to join at UCL?
Extra-curricular clubs run at the following times:
Morning sessions (7:45-8:20)
Table Tennis | All year groups | Boys and girls |
Basketball | All year groups | Boys and girls | |
Tuesday | Badminton | All year groups | Boys and girls |
Table Tennis | All year groups | Boys and girls |
Basketball | All year groups | Boys and girls | |
Football | All year groups | Boys and girls |
Basketball | All year groups | Boys and girls |
After school (3:50-5:15)
Monday | Girls Football |
Tuesday | Boys Football (Foundation, Level 1, Level 1+ only) |
Basketball – Foundation only, boys and girls | |
Wednesday | All Foundation, Level 1, Level 1+, Level 2 and Level 2+ girls |
Thursday | Boys Football (Level 2 and Level 2+ only) |
Friday | Basketball – Foundation and Level 1 boys |
If students would like to participate in any of the school teams, they must attend the training sessions for that sport. If the students do not train, they will not be able to play.
For more information on different sports, please contact the following members of staff via
All girls sport – Miss Lawal
All boys sport – Mr Tousent
Boys and Girls Football – Coach KK
What language choices does my child have during the first year and how does that work?
All Foundation students will follow the Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Carousel this year. Every student will study Mandarin, Spanish and German before the Easter holidays and then will opt to study one of those languages from Level 1 onwards until Level 2+. The exception are those students who have opted to join the Mandarin Excellence Programme. These students will only study Mandarin.