Subjects and Entry Requirements
Please find below information on the subjects that The UCL Academy will be offering in 2025/26 and the entry requirements for each. The standard entry requirement for UCL Academy Sixth Form is an average grade score of 5.5 across 5 GCSE’s including Maths and English and a grade 6 in the subject of choice at A Level.
For more information about studying these subjects, please take a look at the Sixth Form Prospectus and A Level Courses Guide
Biology βΒ Grade 6 in Biology or 6/6 in Combined Science. Grade 6 in English Language and Maths.
Business β Grade 5/Merit in Business if taken at GCSE,Β 6 in English Language. A Level Business cannot be taken in conjunction with A Level Economics.
Chemistry βΒ Grade 6 in Chemistry or 6/6 in Combined Science. Grade 6 in English Language and Maths.
Computer Science β Grade 6 at GCSE in Mathematics, Grade 6 in Computing if taken at GCSE.
Drama and Theatre βΒ Β Grade 6 in English Literature. Please note that a preference will be given to those who also achieve a Grade 6 in GCSE Drama and a Grade 6 in English Language.Β Or evidence of talent in Drama (students may be asked to attend an audition).
Economics βΒ Grade 6 in GCSE English Language, Grade 6 in GCSE Maths, Grade 6 in Economics if taken at GCSE. A Level Economics cannot be taken in conjunction with A Level Business.
English Literature βΒ Grade 6 or equivalent in GCSE English Language and Literature.
Fine Art βΒ Grade 6 in GCSE Art and Design. A portfolio of work may also be considered.
Further Mathematics βΒ Grade 8 or equivalent in GCSE Mathematics. Students must also take A Level Maths.
Geography βΒ Grade 6 in GCSE Geography, Grade 6 in English Language.
Government and PoliticsΒ β Grade 6 in any Humanities and Grade 6 in English Language.
History βΒ Grade 6 in GCSE History and Grade 6 in English Language.
Mathematics βΒ GradeΒ 7+ in GCSE Maths. Students with a grade 6 in Maths may apply to take an algebra test at enrolment interview in August, to be accepted onto the course.
MandarinΒ β Grade 7 in GCSE Mandarin.
Photography βΒ Grade 5 in Photography, Art or equivalent creative course. A portfolio of work may also be considered.
Physics βΒ Grade 6 in Physics or 6/6 in Combined Science. Grade 6 in English Language and maths.Β Must also be taken in combination with A Level Maths.
PsychologyΒ βΒ Grade 6 in GCSE Maths, Grade 6 in GCSE English Language, Grade 6 in GCSE Psychology if taken.
Religious StudiesΒ βΒ Grade 6 in GCSE RE if taken, 6 in English Language.
Sociology βΒ Grade 6 in any Humanities subject and Grade 6 in English Language. Grade 6 in GCSE Sociology if taken.
Spanish βΒ Grade 6 in GCSE Spanish.
"The connection with UCL is a real benefit. We receive lectures from academics who are experts in their field, mentoring from university students, and we learn in spaces that are similar to those in the university environment."
"The drive of our students is fuelled by our teachers’ support and compassion. They always push us to try our hardest, and be the best that we can be, such as encouraging us to go for the best universities, and that enables us to be really successful."
"The Academy started with a vision for how a diverse inner London school could, with the support of one of the world’s leading universities, inspire our students, and today 30% on average of A-Level students go on to Russell Group universities."
"Around 30% of 6th form students now move on to Russell Group universities and our first GCSE results were well above national average."
"The benefits our students enjoy from our sponsor start on their very first day at school, which they spend at University College London hearing from inspirational and world-leading academics."